An Address by The Members of the Board of Governors of Adisadel College.
To: The Reverend Father John Alan Knight, MA LLB,
Headmaster of Adisadel College.
On occasion of the Official Opening of the College;
At Cape Coast, Gold Coast, West Africa;
On Monday, 21st. December, 1936.
Reverend Father,
On this great day in the history of Adisadel College, the Governors deem it fit and proper to accord you the thanks and praise which your industry, capabilities and genius deserve.
Your name will go down to posterity as the man who with his enthusiastic students built out of nothing, Adisadel College with their own hands. In this great task, you have toiled incessantly and made great sacrifices; and the Governors have the satisfaction of knowing that the work so humbly begun has made a magnificent fruition.
From a comparatively small school, you have in a short period of 8 years raised Adisadel College to a first class Public School with world-wide renown.
Your labours have been indefatigable and your wise suggestions have been most helpful to the Governors of the College.
Africa thanks you, Gold Coast thanks you, and the Governors of Adisadel College thank you for the educational and humanitarian work you have accomplished, and wish that you live in health and happiness to accomplish yet greater feats.